a woman wearing headphones pointing to the side

Leading the Way in
BSA Compliant Audiograms

Court-Trusted Excellence in
Hearing Assessments

Hearing Test Service

With over 225 clinical locations in the UK, Medico Hearing is at the forefront of quality BSA compliant audiograms.

At Medico Hearing we pride ourselves on being a court-trusted name in the delivery of BSA compliant audiograms.

Our commitment to precision, reliability, and adherence to the highest standards has earned us a reputation as the go-to experts for hearing assessments for Noise Induced Hearing Loss and Military Hearing Loss cases.

a man getting his hair brushed by a hair stylist
a man getting his hair brushed by a hair stylist
white and black number print
white and black number print
Best Industry Turnaround Time

With regular updates and from the time of your instruction to the send you the results, our turnaround is the best at just three weeks. We are the fastest in the industry, maintaining exceptional quality without compromise.

Closest Clinic Available

We will provide you with the closest clinical appointments for Claimants to minimize inconvenience up to a 20 mile radius


21 days

UK Clinic locations

Average Turnaround Time